Certificate in Self Awareness

Certificate in Self Awareness

This course is designed to help individuals develop a deep understanding of themselves, their values, emotions, and behaviors. By enhancing self-awareness, participants will be better equipped to make informed decisions, build stronger relationships, and achieve personal and professional success.

50,000 USh
50000.0 UGX 50,000 USh
50,000 USh
Last Update 08/31/2024
Completion Time 17 hours 59 minutes
Members 0
Personal Certification Development Paid
  • Module 1: Introduction to self awareness
    • Introduction to Self Awareness
    • Self-Awareness
    • Self Awareness Assessment
    • Johari Window Self Assessment
    • 360 Degree Feedback Assessment
    • End of Module One Assessment Quiz
      10 xp
  • Module 2: Understanding Your Values and Beliefs
    • Understanding Your Values and Beliefs
    • How To Determine Your Core Life Values
    • Personal Values Self Assessment
    • Personal Beliefs Self Assessments
    • Authenticity Self Assessments
    • Online Value Assessment
    • End of Module Two Assessment Quiz
      10 xp
  • Module Three: Emotional Intelligence and Self-Regulation
    • Emotional Intelligence & Self Regulation
    • Daniel Goleman Introduces Emotional Intelligence | Big Think
    • Emotional Intelligence Self Assessment
    • Intrinsic Motvation Discovery Assessment
    • Self Discipline Assessment
    • End of Module Three Assessment Quiz
      10 xp
  • Module Four: Self Reflection & Mindfulness
    • Self reflection and mindfulness
    • What is Mindfulness?
    • Mindfulness Self Assessment
    • Reflection Questions for Personal Growth
    • Module 4 Reflection Guide
    • End of Module Four Assessment Quiz
      10 xp
  • Module Five: Emotional Intelligence
    • Introduction to Emotional Intelligence
    • Detailed Exploration of the Five Elements of EI
    • Managing Emotions and Behaviour
    • Emotional Intelligence Self Assessment
    • Stress Level Self Assessment
    • The Power of Emotional Intelligence | Travis Bradberry | TEDxUCIrvine
    • End of Module Five Assessment Quiz
      10 xp
  • Module Six: Interpersonal Communication
    • Interpersonal Communication
    • Mastering Verbal Communication
    • Enhancing Non Verbal Communication
    • How to Enhance Your Communication Skills
    • Effective Communication Skills Competence Assessment
    • Communication Style Self Assessment
    • Interpersonal Skills Self Assessment
    • End of Module Six Quiz
      10 xp
  • Module Seven: Conflict Resolution
    • Conflict Resolution
    • Understanding the Nature of Conflict
    • Strategies and Techniques for Effective Conflict Resolution
    • Conflict Resolution Skills Self Assessment
    • Negotiation Skills Self Assessment
    • Minute With Maxwell: CONFLICT - John Maxwell Team
    • Problem Solving Styles
    • Problem Solving Style Assessment
    • End of Module Seven Assessment Quiz
      10 xp
  • Module Eight: Leadership and Influence
    • Leadership and Influence
    • Transformational Leadership
    • Leadership Style Self Assessment
    • Mastering Servant Leadership
    • Servant Leadership Self Assessment
    • The Power of Leadership and Influence | John Maxwell
    • Reflection Guide
    • End of Module Eight Assessment Quiz
      10 xp
  • Certification
    • Certificate in Self Awareness
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