Certificate in Marketing Basics

Certificate in Marketing Basics

Thanks to the rise of technology and social media, the world of marketing and advertising has become bigger than ever. Unfortunately, this can cause any company to become confused or even intimidated about getting their product or service out into the market. But if we can learn the right strategies with the right tools, we can break into the marketing world without fear or hesitation

150,000 USh
150000.0 UGX 150,000 USh
150,000 USh
Last Update 08/25/2023
Completion Time 4 hours
Members 0
Professional Paid Development Advanced
  • Module One: Getting Started
    • Workshop Objectives
  • Module Two: What is Marketing?
    • What is a Market?
    • Marketing is Not Selling
    • Understanding Customer Needs
    • Defining Your Product or Service
    • Module Two: Review Questions
      10 xp
  • Module Three: Common Marketing Types (I)
    • Direct Marketing
    • Active Marketing
    • Incoming Marketing
    • Outgoing Marketing
    • Module Three: Review Questions
      10 xp
  • Module Four: Common Marketing Types (II)
    • Guerrilla Marketing
    • B2B Marketing
    • B2C Marketing
    • Promotional Marketing
    • Module Four: Review Questions
      10 xp
  • Module Five: The Marketing Mix
    • Product
    • Price
    • Promotion
    • Place
    • Module Five: Review Questions
      10 xp
  • Module Six: Communicating the Right Way
    • The Marketing Pitch
    • Sell Value, Not the Price
    • Fun and Entertaining is Powerful
    • Choosing the Right Media
    • Module Six: Review Questions
      10 xp
  • Module Seven: Customer Communications
    • Give Your Customers a Voice
    • It’s Not About You, It’s About Them
    • Every Interaction Counts
    • Answer Questions Honestly
    • Module Seven: Review Questions
      10 xp
  • Module Eight: Marketing Goals
    • Brand Switching
    • Repeat Purchases
    • Brand Loyalty
    • Inform and Educate
    • Module Eight: Review Questions
      10 xp
  • Module Nine: The Marketing Funnel
    • Awareness
    • Interest
    • Desire
    • Action
    • Module Nine: Review Questions
      10 xp
  • Module Ten: Marketing Mistakes (I)
    • Not Taking Social Media Seriously
    • Not Having a USP
    • Cross Cultural and International Translations
    • Not Building a Relationship
    • Module Ten: Review Questions
      10 xp
  • Module Eleven: Marketing Mistakes (II)
    • Not Having a Plan
    • Aiming at Everyone
    • Not Tracking Metrics
    • Not Listening to Your Customers
  • Module Twelve: Wrapping Up
    • Words from the Wise
    • End of Course Certification
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