Certificate in Manager Management

Certificate in Manager Management

When preparing to manage one or a group of managers, you are preparing for them to be able to manage their own employees. Every manager is a different personality type and learns differently. But with some helpful tools and tips, you can help them become great managers that will continue to grow and succeed with their new teams.

150,000 USh
150000.0 UGX 150,000 USh
150,000 USh
Last Update 08/25/2023
Completion Time 4 hours 8 minutes
Members 0
Professional Certification Paid Development
  • Module One: Getting Started
    • Workshop Objectives
  • Module Two: Grooming a New Manager
    • Set Specific Goals
    • Authority (What They Can and Can’t Do)
    • Create a Shared Vision
    • The More They Learn, the More Responsibility They Get
    • Module Two: Review Questions
      10 xp
  • Module Three: Coaching and Mentoring (I)
    • Writing Performance Reviews
    • Provide Clear and Timely Feedback
    • Praise in Public, Criticize in Private
    • Make Sure Your Door is Always Open
    • Module Three: Review Questions
      10 xp
  • Module Four: Coaching and Mentoring (II)
    • Offer Advice, Not the Solution
    • Create a Supportive Environment
    • Build Ownership
    • 360 Degree Feedback
    • Module Four: Review Questions
      10 xp
  • Module Five: Measuring Performance
    • Staying Within Their Budget
    • Setting Measurable Objectives
    • Setting Measurable Objectives
    • Skip Level Feedback
    • Collaborate on Criteria to be Evaluated
    • Module Five: Review Questions
      10 xp
  • Module Six: Motivating Managers
    • Provide the Needed Resources
    • Bonuses and Incentives
    • Give Credit for Good Work
    • Keep Them Challenged
    • Module Six: Review Questions
      10 xp
  • Module Seven: Signs of Poor Management
    • Missed Deadlines
    • Team Turnover
    • Losing Customers
    • Little or No Growth
    • Module Seven: Review Questions
      10 xp
  • Module Eight: Trust Your Team of Managers
    • Do Not Micromanage
    • Promote Open and Honest Communication
    • Reward Initiative
    • Trust, But Verify
    • Module Eight: Review Questions
      10 xp
  • Module Nine: When an Employee Complains About Their Manager
    • Keep the Information Confidential
    • Gather Information from Both Sides
    • Coach or Delegate the Solution
    • Follow-up with the Manager or Employee
    • Module Nine: Review Questions
      10 xp
  • Module Ten: When Do You Step In?
    • Unsafe or Dangerous Events
    • Legal Ramifications
    • Severe Financial Costs
    • Repeated Failures after Coaching Has Occurred
    • Module Ten: Review Questions
      10 xp
  • Module Eleven: Remember These Basic Qualities
    • Express Confidence in Their Abilities
    • Practice What You Preach
    • Have an Open Door
    • Their Success is Your Success
  • Module Twelve: Wrapping Up
    • Words from the Wise
    • End of Course Certification
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