Certificate in Facilitation Skills

Certificate in Facilitation Skills

Facilitation is often referred to as the new cornerstone of management philosophy. With its focus on fairness and creating an easy decision making process. Creating a comfortable environment through better facilitation will give your participants a better understanding of what a good facilitator can do to improve any meeting or gathering.

100,000 USh
100000.0 UGX 100,000 USh
100,000 USh
Dr. Noeline Kirabo
Last Update 08/17/2024
Completion Time 8 hours 30 minutes
Members 0
Advanced Professional Development Paid
  • Module One: Getting Started
    • Workshop Objectives
    • What is Facilitation?
  • Module Two: Understanding Facilitation
    • What is a Facilitator?
    • When is Facilitation Appropriate?
    • Case Study
    • Module Two: Review Questions
      10 xp
  • Module Three: Process vs. Content
    • About Process
    • About Content
    • A Facilitator’s Focus
    • Case Study
    • Module Three: Review Questions
      10 xp
  • Module Four: Laying the Groundwork
    • Choosing a Facilitated Approach
    • Planning for a Facilitated Meeting
    • Collecting Data
    • Case Study
    • Module Four: Review Questions
      10 xp
  • Module Five: Tuckman and Jensen’s Model of Team Development
    • Stage One: Forming
    • Stage Two: Storming
    • Stage Three: Norming
    • Stage Four: Performing
    • Case Study
    • Module Five: Review Questions
      10 xp
  • Module Six: Building Consensus
    • Encouraging Participation
    • Gathering Information
    • Presenting Information
    • Synthesizing and Summarizing
    • Case Study
    • Module Six: Review Questions
      10 xp
  • Module Seven: Reaching a Decision Point
    • Identifying the Options
    • Creating a Short List
    • Choosing a Solution
    • Using the Multi-Option Technique
    • Case Study
    • Module Seven: Review Questions
      10 xp
  • Module Eight: Dealing with Difficult People
    • Addressing Disruptions
    • Helping the Group Resolve Issues on Their Own
    • Case Study
    • Module Eight: Review Questions
      10 xp
  • Module Nine: Addressing Group Dysfunction
    • Using Ground Rules to Prevent Dysfunction
    • Restating and Reframing Issues
    • Getting People Back on Track
    • Case Study
    • Module Nine: Review Questions
      10 xp
  • Module Ten: Intervention
    • About Intervention
    • When to Intervene
    • Levels of Intervention
    • Case Study
    • Module Ten: Review Questions
      10 xp
  • Module Eleven: Intervention Techniques
    • Using Your Processes
    • Boomerang it Back
    • ICE It: Identify, Check for Agreement, Evaluate How to Resolve
    • Case Study
    • Module Eleven: Review Questions
      10 xp
  • Module Twelve: Wrap up
    • Words from the wise
    • Certificate in Facilitation Skills
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